We Recycle Unsold Advertising to Support Good Causes and Environmental Projects

By recycling media wastage we create additional funds for charitable donations and carbon neutrality whilst allowing advertisers to pay for campaigns with their own inventory waste or spare capacity

The Why

Media Owners

An ever increasing amount of ad space across all media types is unsold, given away or heavily discounted


Many organisations can’t afford the advertising they need to grow

Charities & Good Causes

Charity donations have halved in the last year

The What

Media Owners

QPQ’s unique platform recycles unsold ad space into CSR projects or sustainability investment, attracts new advertisers and protects margins. LEARN MORE

QPQ’s system provides advertisers with the tools to implement campaigns funded by their own spare capacity or unsold stock.


Charities & Good Causes

QPQ’s ecosystem generates new corporate donor funding and tools to reduce cash expenditure. LEARN MORE

THE Who we are

Quid Pro Quo Media is the dedicated media division of BBX, one of the world’s largest business trade exchanges, established in 1993. With offices in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, India, Thailand, Malaysia and Costa Rica; we have extensive experience across most media types, including: TV, radio, printed media, OOH & DOOH, sponsorship & promotion, events & exhibitions, and digital media.

The Who We Do It For

Our partners are:

  • media owners who share our vision for repurposing advertising wastage for good
  • advertisers who have unsold inventory or spare capacity who want to harness its value to acquire advertising to grow
  • charities who want to access new corporate donors and funding

Organisations we have worked with, include:

Join our innovative ecosystem RIGHT NOW
and help us harness wastage for good