

Would you love to be able to advertise your business on different platforms to drive growth or increase what you are already doing but don’t have the cash flow to fund it but do have unsold stock or spare capacity?

What We Do

QPQ Media will allow you to purchase the advertising you need to drive your sales and profit growth with your own spare capacity or unsold stock, whilst bringing you new clients

How it works

  • You join the QPQ Ecosystem
  • You identify spare capacity or unsold stock to allocate to marketing
  • You identify advertising opportunities you aspire to
  • You acquire the advertising space from us with the equivalent value of your unsold stock / spare capacity
  • You record the transaction(s) in your P&L

The Benefits

  • Harnesses the value of your unsold stock / spare capacity which would otherwise evaporate with no value
  • Accesses aspirational advertising to drive sales and profit growth

Join our innovative ecosystem RIGHT NOW
and help us harness wastage for good